Chakra Healing

Base Chakra

Color application
If under active, hold or wear red, brown, black or silver crystals; if over active, hold or wear blue or green crystals, followed by a small dose of a primary crystal during meditation and saying your affirmations

Physical Functions
This chakra is located in the area of the coccyx at the base of the spine. It is tied to the functions of the circulatory system, reproductive system and the functions of the lower extremities. It is the centre for out basic life force. It influences the testicles and ovaries, the legs and the pelvic area of the body.

Metaphysical Functions
This is a centre tied to that level of consciousness which controls our life promoting energies. Stimulated properly, it can awaken awareness of past live talents and ease fears. The base chakra is the foundation upon which the rest of chakra system is built. This energy centre is responsible for fulfilling your basic needs. This is the energy centre for basic survival, a place to live, food to eat and water to drink. The ability to stay focused on and achieve tasks is located at this chakra.

Attitudes causing or reflecting dysfunction

over-active base chakra:
Physically aggressive
inability to recognise limits
obsessively sexual

under active Base chakra:
overly cautious
power conscious
needing approval
craving excitement and change but refusing to act
overly tired
no energy to do what you want

Balancing the Base Chakra

To restore balance to the base chakra, use positive thoughts combined with crystals to reconnect with health, wealth, vitality and well-being. These are inherent within you and it is up to you to reconnect with these resources to manifest them in your life. Wear the crystals or meditate with them daily and include the following affirmations in your routine, these affirmations are geared to the type of crystal.

I am grounded and focused. I now follow through with the task at hand. I am grateful for all the support I have in my life.

I have passion for living. I am grounded and focused. I have a healthy, balanced sex drive and sex life. I am fertile with thoughts, ideas and prosperity.

I am calm and relaxed. My muscles are smooth and relaxed. I have perfect blood pressure. Everything is okay and will be okay in the future There is nothing to worry about. All is well.

I am grounded and focused. I am motivated to get up and accomplish all that needs to be done. I have exuberant energy. My masculine and feminine energy are in balance. I am grateful for all my loyal friends and family. I am a good and loyal friend.

I am safe. I easily dissipate anything that is unlike love. I find good within. I am protected. All is well. I am able to see the good in the most challenging situations. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel when things seem unbearable. I know there is always hope and help to pull me through in moments that feel like the dark night of my soul. I sense all the colours of my being and know they are aligned and balanced. I remember that there is a full spectrum of light, a rainbow, even when everything appears to be dark and challenging. I am aware of my inner thoughts and feelings. I know people, places, and situations are somehow a reflection of me, and I learn from the mirror. create my own reality. I am safe. There is only goodness, love and well-being in my life.

I am energised. I live my life with passion. I am self motivated. It is easy for me to complete any task at hand. I embrace my sensual side.

I am protected. All negative energy is automatically deflected away from me. I have a force field of love and well-being around me. I am grounded and able to maintain focus on the task at hand.

Sacral Chakra

Color Application
If under active hold or wear orange, gold or green crystals, if over active hold or wear blue, pink or green crystals followed by a small dose of orange, gold or green while you are meditating or saying your affirmations

Physical Functions
This chakra is partially tied to the function of the adrenal glands. It is also a major influence on the reproductive system and the entire muscular system. It affects the elimination system of the body, the activities of the spleen, bladder, pancreas and kidneys. It is a major centre for detoxifying the body.

Metaphysical Functions
This centre influences sensation and emotion, desire, pleasure and sexuality. The sacral chakra is linked to the consciousness of creativity. It controls many personality functions. The sacral chakra can be stimulated with orange crystals to open communication with energies and beings upon the astral plane of life. Pink can be used on this chakra to bring more physical love into your life. This is also a centre for dreaming. In order to manifest anything, you must be able to see in your minds eye- either in your waking daydreams or sleeping night dreams.The creative force of dream time comes forth from the sacral chakra.
If your sacral chakra is balanced you will find that you are more friendly, optimistic and creative, you will also demonstrate a sense of belonging an the ability to follow your intuition.

Attitudes causing or reflecting dysfunction

Over-active Sacral Chakra
Overly Proud or Conceited
High-strung Emotionally
Constant Power Seeking

Under-active Sacral Chakra
Mistrustful of Others
Unable to Show Emotions
Worrying What Others Think
Follows the Crowd

Balancing the Sacral Chakra

To restore balance to the sacral chakra, use positive thoughts combined with crystals to reconnect with your emotions, creativity, dreaming, fertility, and self approval. These states of being are inherent within you and it is up to you to reconnect with these resources to manifest them in your life.
Wear the crystals or meditate with them daily and include the following affirmations in your routine, these affirmations are geared to the type of crystal.

I easily birth my creation into the world. My blood is healthy and circulates as it should.

Change is good. I easily transition into this next chapter of my life.
Orange Calcite
I am grateful to have balanced emotions. My bones and muscles are strong and feel good in my body.

I breathe easily and know that all is well. I take in a deep breath of life and breathe out in a relaxed, even flow. All my joints are healthy and comfortable. I release all anger in a healthy, balanced way. All toxins are easily processed and removed from my body. We are fertile and easily able to reproduce a beautiful, healthy child.

I am calm and at peace. My body is healthy and balanced. My body naturally reduces inflammation that is not for my highest good. My cells naturally regenerate and rejuvenate to maintain a healthy, balanced body. My hormones are balanced. I accept the nurturing vibrations of Mother Earth

Tiger's Eye
Golden Tiger's Eye
I am safe. I am confident and aligned with my personal power. I set boundaries easily.
Red Tiger's Eye
I am vital and energetic. I am self-motivated and create the world I want to experience.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Color Application
If under active, hold or wear yellow or green crystals; if over active, hold or wear green, olive, violet or purple, with a small dose of yellow or green crystals while you are meditating or saying your affirmations.

Physical Functions
This chakra is tied to the solar plexus area of the body. This includes the digestive system, the adrenals, the stomach, the liver and the gall bladder. It assists the body in assimilation of nutrients. It is also tied to the functions of the left hemisphere of the brain. Many crippling diseases, ulcers, intestinal problems and psychosomatic diseases are eased by working with the solar plexus chakra.

Metaphysical Functions
This chakra is tied to the level of consciousness which can make you clairsentient - the ability to sense the feelings and emotions of others. It is a centre of empathy and general psychic impressions. When the solar plexus chakra is stimulated, it opens awareness of the talents and capacities of other souls. It helps attune you to the elements of nature. The solar plexus chakra is the centre for your ability to take in, absorb ad integrate life and all it offers, to good as well as the bad. The solar plexus manages your ability to understand and digest all that you see and experience around you and in your life.

Attitudes causing or reflecting dysfunction

Over-active Solar Plexus Chakra
Judgemental and critical
Mental bullying
Absolutist in attitude
Always planning and never manifesting
Needing constant change/variety

Under active Solar Plexus Chakra
Feeling deprived of recognition
Feeling isolated
Afraid to learn something new
Psychosomatic problems

Balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra

If your feeling down in the dumps be sure to add plenty of sunny yellow into life. If you are feeling agitated or having digestive challenges, add green and purple to realign the solar plexus chakra.
Wear the crystals or meditate with them daily and include the following affirmations in your routine, these affirmations are geared to the type of crystal.

I easily set boundaries with others. I surround myself with people who respect my sacred space. I am protected from other's thoughts and feelings. I feel nurtured and cared for. I am able to recall past lives when I need deeper understanding of life and its circumstances.

My digestive system works perfectly. I digest life easily. My appetite is balanced and healthy. My body maintains the perfect weight. The people in my life are supportive and calming.

I am courageous and shine my light brightly. I am very good at setting boundaries. I am confident and realise that people honour and respect me. I am a valued person in society. My digestive system works well and is very healthy. I am mentally clear.

Golden Calcite
I am so full of joy! I sparkle and shine my light brightly. I have the courage to be all that I can be.

I shine my light brightly as I live fully and passionately. I sparkle for all to see and am a shining star! I am focused and aligned with balanced emotions.

Yellow Jasper
It is safe to be myself. My self confidence gives me the courage to be all I can be. I am focused and grounded, and can achieve great heights.

I easily digest all I take in and receive all the benefits. My heart is focused on love, light and well-being. Even when things appear to be swirling around me, I am able to stay focused. I am able to process and digest all the sweetness life offers me on all levels.

I am able to heal myself on all levels; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. I assist others in their healing process with my personal experience. I deflect jealousy, I repel people who are jealous, and attract people who are happy for my good fortune. I have a healthy digestive system. I am able to digest life and all that it brings my way with ease and grace.

Tiger's Eye
I am safe. I have constant protection surrounding me, deflecting anything not intended for my highest good. I am grateful to have the courage and self confidence to create my world.

Heart Chakra

Color Application
If under-active, hold or wear green or pink crystals; if over-active, hold or wear pink or green crystals, followed by green crystals if you have chosen pink or pink crystals if you chose green while meditating or saying your affirmations.

Physical Functions
This chakra is influential in the function of the thymus gland and the entire immune system of the body. It is tied to the heart and the pulmonary activities, along with the circulatory system. It affects the assimilation of nutrients. It has a powerful influence on childhood diseases and the developing of a strong immune system from them. It also has ties to activities of tissue regeneration.

Metaphysical Functions
This chakra mediates and balances the activities of the other chakras. If it is out of balance, there is likely to be imbalance in the others. It is tied to that level of our consciousness which awakens higher compassion and you innate healing abilities. If stimulated properly with green crystals, it can open an ability to see the deeper forces in plants and animals, along with a knowledge of sentiments and true dispositions of others. The heart is the bridge between your lower chakras and your upper chakras. It is the place of the "I Am" presence, the Christ consciousness, and the Buddha consciousness. The heart chakra connects you
with kindness, love, compassion, tolerance, patience, understanding and who you truly are.

Attitudes causing or reflecting dysfunction

Over-active Heart Chakra
Blaming others
Miserly and stingy
Allowing yourself to be walked on and taken advantage of

Under active Heart Chakra
Needing constant confirmation of self worth
Unable to enforce will
Self Doubting
Feeling unloved
Lacking compassion

Balancing the Heart Chakra

A person with a balanced heart chakra sees the good in all things. Combined with a balanced Solar Plexus chakra, you will see that the glass is half full rather than half empty even in times of adversity. This chakra is the place of empathy. When you act from your heart, you feel compassion and have true understanding and tolerance.

Green or Pink Agate
I allow love. My heart is open.

I am connected with the Divine. My heart is open. I give and receive love fully and easily. I am secure in the love I have for myself.

Green or Pink Calcite
I feel nurtured by my friends and family. I am blessed with nurturing energy wherever I go! I am gentle. All change brings more love and a better life situation.

All is well. Everything is okay. My heart is open a I allow love. I am nurtured. I am nurturing.

I open my heart and shine the love that I am to everyone I meet. I have plenty of money. I am blessed with the greatest family and wonderful friends.

Green Aventurine
I am grateful for all my good luck. I am so lucky. It is so easy for me to be prosperous and have plenty of money. All my travels are easy and effortless. Travel experiences are flowing, fun and safe.

There is a huge bubble of love shining brightly around me. I live within a dome of love, light and well being. I attract loving friends and family who support and honour me. I am filled with gratitude and love. I am love and all that surrounds and is attracted to me is love.

I easily get to the heart of any matter at hand. My heart is focused on love, light and well being. Even when things appear to swirl around me, I am able to stay focused on loving myself and others.

I am love. I am balanced. My cells regenerate and rejuvenate in a healthy way.

Rose Quartz
I am love. My life is filled with love, light, and well being. My skin and cells are healthy and rejuvenate daily. I am gentle and nurturing and I surround myself with people who are also gentle and nurturing.

I am safe. All is well. Only goodness and joy are allowed in my energy field. I have compassionate and understanding for myself and others. I am able to observe situations and am grateful for having a non-judgemental perspective.

Watermelon Tourmaline
All I do comes from my heart. I think with my heart, speak through my heart and act from my heart. I know my core is love.

Throat Chakra

Color Application
If under active, hold or wear dark blue, sky blue and turquoise crystals; if over active, hold or wear dark blue crystals followed by a small dose of sky blue or turquoise crystals while you are meditating or saying your affirmations.

Physical Functions
The throat chakra is tied to the functions of the throat, oesophagus, mouth, teeth, the thyroid, and the parathyroid glands. It strongly affects the respiratory system, the functions of the bronchi and the entire vocal apparatus.

Metaphysical Functions
This chakra is tied to the functions of the right hemisphere of the brain and the creative functions of the mind. It can be stimulated with crystals to awaken clair-audience and to assist you in manifesting greater abundance. It can be stimulated so as to survey the thoughts of others (telepathy), and it can awaken that level of consciousness which has insight into the true laws of natural phenomena. The throat chakra is a portal to connection with the Divine and unseen realms of consciousness. While its earthly role is primarily related to your ability to communicate, express and listen to others, its function is much more mystical and esoteric. This chakra will enable you to contact your angels, spirit guides, so that you can follow the guidance received.

Attitudes causing or reflecting dysfunction

Over active throat chakra
Speaks negatively/harshly
Clings to tradition

Under active throat chakra
Surrenders to others
Resists change
Slow to respond

Balancing the Throat Chakra

To restore balance in the throat chakra, use positive thoughts combined with crystals to reconnect with your ability to express yourself along with the courage to communicate your truth. As you use the crystals you will experience the change you want to see.

I am surrounded by honest people of integrity. I live my truth and speak my truth with ease. I am eloquent and I easily find the words to express myself.

I am grateful to have all my invisible helpers assist me in my life. I live a charmed life and am always at the right place at the right time. I am a good listener. I receive guidance and messages from my spirit guides and angels all the time.

I am in touch with my emotions and feelings. It is safe to feel my feelings. I express my feelings wit ease and tact. I have safe voyages by land, sea and air. I am blessed with good communication skills.

Blue Calcite
I express myself with ease, grace, and diplomacy. I find words I need easily and in perfect timing to state what needs to be said.

Blue Lace Agate
I myself with ease and grace. I find the right words and have the courage to speak my truth.

I am aligned with my truth. I speak my truth with ease and grace. I am connected with the cosmic energies available that bring me clear guidance.

Brow or Third Eye Chakra

Colour Application
If under active, hold or wear clear, purple, dark blue or indigo crystals; if over active, hold or wear one of the orange, gold or green sacral chakra crystals followed by a small dose of clear, purple, dark blue or Indigo crystals while you are meditating or saying your affirmations.

Physical Functions.
The brow chakra influences the functions of the pituitary and the entire endocrine system. It also has links to the immune system. The brow chakra affects the synapses of the brain, and it is key to balanced operation of the hemispheres of the brain. It affects the sinuses, eyes, ears, and the face in general.

Metaphysical Functions
The brow chakra is the centre affecting higher clairvoyance and the entire magnetism of the body (the feminine or yin aspects of your energies). It is linked to that level of the subconscious mind which controls intuitive perceptions, creative imagination and visualisation. Intuition is your ability to have direct access to the truth, independent of any type of logical or reasoning process.

Attitudes causing or reflecting dysfunction

Over active Brow Chakra
Over sensitive
Belittling the behaviour of others
Spaced out

Under active Brow Chakra
Envious of other's talents
Balancing the Third Eye Chakra

The indigo, blue and purple crystals assist in invoking intuition. Through the heightened awareness that can be attained through third eye development, personal growth and self development can help you through your daily life. Use positive affirmations to enable better understanding of yourself, your friends, family and co-workers, thereby improving your life.

Purple Agate
I am grounded in my spirituality. Spirituality is integrated into my daily life. I am intuitive and insightful.

I see, sense, feel and know life is magical. I dream pleasant dreams. I release all habits that are no longer for my highest good. I have a great connection with my spirit guides and angels. I am profoundly clairvoyant.

Clear Apophyllite
I am connected with the Divine. My meditation practice is easy and natural. I have profound meditation experiences. I am very intuitive. I get things done and accomplish all that needs to be accomplished. I have mental clarity.

Clear Quartz
I see life from a greater perspective. My intuitive skills are increasing daily. I am extremely intuitive. I follow my internal guidance system.

Blue Goldstone
I am extremely clairvoyant. I hear messages from my guides and angels all the time. I am grateful for and trust my inner guidance.

Lapis Lazuli
The wisdom of ancient cultures is stored within my cells, bones, muscles and I have access to it whenever I request it. My third eye is open exactly the right amount for me at this time in my life. I am extremely intuitive and receive messages and guidance all the time. I am calm and relaxed.

I am connected with the Divine. My intuitive skills improve every day. I am extremely intuitive. I follow the guidance I receive from my guides and angels. My physical structure is strong and aligned.

I have calm emotions. My mind is clear and relaxed. I am intuitive. Any inflammation in my body, mind or spirit is calm and in balance for my highest good.

Tiger's Eye
Falcon's Eye (blue)
I am able to visualise my reality into being. I am very insightful and have extraordinary moments of inspiration. I receive and interpret the messages from the heavenly realm all the time. I can see the bigger picture of life and act accordingly. I am grounded and protected in my spiritual development.

Third Eye Chakra

Color Application
If under active, hold or wear clear, purple, dark blue or indigo crystals; if over active, hold or wear one of the orange, gold or green sacral chakra crystals followed by a small dose of clear, purple, dark blue or Indigo crystals while you are meditating or saying your affirmations.

Physical Functions.
The brow chakra influences the functions of the pituitary and the entire endocrine system. It also has links to the immune system. The brow chakra affects the synapses of the brain, and it is key to balanced operation of the hemispheres of the brain. It affects the sinuses, eyes, ears, and the face in general.

Metaphysical Functions
The brow chakra is the centre affecting higher clairvoyance and the entire magnetism of the body (the feminine or yin aspects of your energies). It is linked to that level of the subconscious mind which controls intuitive perceptions, creative imagination and visualisation. Intuition is your ability to have direct access to the truth, independent of any type of logical or reasoning process.

Attitudes causing or reflecting dysfunction

Over active Brow Chakra
Over sensitive
Belittling the behaviour of others
Spaced out

Under active Brow Chakra
Envious of other's talents
Balancing the Third Eye Chakra

The indigo, blue and purple crystals assist in invoking intuition. Through the heightened awareness that can be attained through third eye development, personal growth and self development can help you through your daily life. Use positive affirmations to enable better understanding of yourself, your friends, family and co-workers, thereby improving your life.

Purple Agate
I am grounded in my spirituality. Spirituality is integrated into my daily life. I am intuitive and insightful.

I see, sense, feel and know life is magical. I dream pleasant dreams. I release all habits that are no longer for my highest good. I have a great connection with my spirit guides and angels. I am profoundly clairvoyant.

Clear Apophyllite
I am connected with the Divine. My meditation practice is easy and natural. I have profound meditation experiences. I am very intuitive. I get things done and accomplish all that needs to be accomplished. I have mental clarity.

Clear Quartz
I see life from a greater perspective. My intuitive skills are increasing daily. I am extremely intuitive. I follow my internal guidance system.

Blue Goldstone
I am extremely clairvoyant. I hear messages from my guides and angels all the time. I am grateful for and trust my inner guidance.

Lapis Lazuli
The wisdom of ancient cultures is stored within my cells, bones, muscles and I have access to it whenever I request it. My third eye is open exactly the right amount for me at this time in my life. I am extremely intuitive and receive messages and guidance all the time. I am calm and relaxed.

I am connected with the Divine. My intuitive skills improve every day. I am extremely intuitive. I follow the guidance I receive from my guides and angels. My physical structure is strong and aligned.

I have calm emotions. My mind is clear and relaxed. I am intuitive. Any inflammation in my body, mind or spirit is calm and in balance for my highest good.

Tiger's Eye
Falcon's Eye (blue)
I am able to visualise my reality into being. I am very insightful and have extraordinary moments of inspiration. I receive and interpret the messages from the heavenly realm all the time. I can see the bigger picture of life and act accordingly. I am grounded and protected in my spiritual development.

Crown Chakra

Color Application
If under active, hold or wear pale gold, purple and white crystals; if over active, hold or wear pale gold or a white crystal followed by a small dose of a purple crystal when you are meditating or saying your affirmations.

Physical Functions
The crown chakra affects the functions of the entire nervous system of your body. It influences the pineal gland, all nerve pathways, and the electrical synapses within the body. The crown chakra is linked to the proper function of the medulla oblongata.

Metaphysical Functions
The crown chakra is a link to that level of subconscious mind which has ties to your most spiritual essence. It is a centre which helps to align us with the higher forces of the universe, and it has a powerful influence in the purification of your subtle bodies of energy. The crown chakra is a link to past lives and their effects upon you in the present. The improvement of your intuitive energy centres increases the potentiality of self realisation and movement to an enlightened status. The fulfilment of personal potential gives birth to unlimited possibilities. This unlimited potential expands into the realms of the mystical and esoteric. These spiritual gifts are latent within everyone, and it is up to each of us to awaken the talents.

Attitudes causing or reflecting dysfunction

Over active crown chakra
Intensely erotic imagination
Needing to feel popular and indispensable
Needing sympathy

Under active crown chakra
Feeling misunderstood
Self denial
Negative self image
Lacking tenderness
Balancing the Crown Chakra

The crown chakra becomes alive when you focus on receiving divine vibrations from your higher level consciousness. Maintain and intention to open the channel at the crown of the head to actualise you innate abilities using clear quartz, amethyst, selenite and elestial quartz. Realise that the intention is to let the Divine flow through you to be an instrument of good in the world. The energy of the golden halo around your head connects you with your higher self and higher awareness. You each have the potential to be a miracle worker and magician and create happy, healthy lives.

I now transform my life easily and with grace. I see, sense, feel and know that life is magical. I activate the miracle worker within. I have a great connection with my spirit guides and angels. I am profoundly clairvoyant.

Elestial Quartz
My angels surround me and assist me all day, every day. I hear, sense. feel and know the guidance from my angels and spirit guides. I have balanced emotions. I am connected with ancient wisdom. Ancient wisdom is stored within me and I access it. I am inspired.

Blue Kyanite
All my chakras are balanced and aligned with each other. I live my life harmoniously. I am a channel of divine wisdom. I easily connect with all that is.

I have balanced emotions. All is well. I am love and I deserve love. I consistently maintain a balanced and joyful outlook on life.

I allow love. I am an empty vessel ready to receive insight and wisdom. I flow with grace and am in alignment with my feminine energy.

Record Keeper Quartz
I have all the information and knowledge I need available to me. I know how to obtain the guidance or help for any project I undertake. I am connected with the wisdom of the Akashic Record.

White Selenite
I am aligned with the Divine. I am a spiritual being of divine love and divine light. I channel messages of hope and grace for myself and others. My spine, bones, tendons and muscles are healthy, strong and aligned. The wisdom of ancient cultures is stored within my cells, bones and muscles, and I have access to it whenever I request it.